DKZ-2B, DKZ-2, DKZ型恒温振荡水槽,恒温振荡水槽,振荡水槽
DKZ 型 恒温振荡水槽 DKZ Seies Shaking Wate Bath 一、 用途概述:对振荡频率和温度有较高要求的实验室各项研究之用。
二、 产品特点:1、 采用不锈钢内胆,顶盖。2、 微电脑智能控温仪,具有设定、测定温度双数字显示和PID自整功能,控温精确、可靠。3、 采用无级调调速电机,能直接驱动摇床,且高线性度,噪声低。I .Application :It is applicable to exigent shaking fluctuation and tempe test and eseach in the laboatoy. II .Featues: 1、 he woking chambe and the lid ae made of stainless steel.2、 Intelligent tempeatue contolle is based micopocesso with PID paametes contolling function .Digital display of set and actual tempeatues. High tempeatue contolling accuacy and eliability.3、 Have nonpola timing diect cuent dynamo,which can dive shak plank.The chaacteistic is diect cuent dynamo high and low noisy.三、 技术参数。(Specifications):
型号 Model
电源电压 Mains voltage
220V. 50Hz
控温范围 Tempeatue contol ange
RT+5~100 ℃
温度波动 Tempeatue fluctuation
± 1 ℃
消耗功率 Consumption Powe
振荡频率 Shaking fluctuation
振幅 Swing
水平 Level 30mm
工作室尺寸Dimensions of the woking chambe
440 × 300×240mm
价格优惠请咨询13352904356,13352994958,13715370443请到赛亚泰科网站 咨询